Where do we stand?


The Clim'Foot projet has just finished (end of August 2018)!

In order to reach the objectives of the project, the LIFE Clim'Foot beneficiaries have notably implemented the following actions:



The development of two complete toolboxes:

  1. One for policy makers that includes country-specific material to enable policy makers to support the implementation of climate change policies involving an important number of public and private organisations;
  2. One for both public and private organisations that supports them to calculate and/or reduce their carbon footprints.


The creation of specific training tools, based on the existing methodologies for carbon accounting, to train National policy makers to the design and implementation of CFO public policies.


The development of country-specific data, that includes the creation of National databases of emission factors, together with adapted training material addressing the organisations that will participate to the public policy.


The implementation of new voluntary programmes to develop carbon accounting in the five participating countries, at different levels depending on the maturity of practices in each country. This leads to the development of public policies that incentives public and private organisations to calculate and even to reduce their carbon footprint, following their level of maturity.


The assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impact of the project



Since the climate problem targeted concerns the 28 EU Members States, the replicability potential has been specifically assessed at the end of the project, together with the transferability one in a perspective of multicriteria approach. To optimize the replicability of the project and transfer of the project results among other public entities, a training of at least 30 European policy makers (out of the consortium) has been organised in June 2018, to prepare the extension and pursuit of the Clim'Foot approach in other European countries. [see the dedicated pages here]

An important dissemination campaign has been implemented to raise awareness of EU policy makers and invite them to join the LIFE Clim'Foot initiative. In addition, networking activities have taken place to widen the project impact and ensure that the project fits with stakeholders' requirements. These dissemination campaign and networking activities still continue, so if you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us!